Ap student teaching 5th graders

This spring our fifth-graders participated in Science Day, where guest speakers came in to lead stations for the students to learn about the environment.

Katie Oakes, a Master Gardener from the Cornell Cooperative Extension, came in and ran a room discussing prehistoric plants. In a second room, students heard from Nate Drag, a Great Lakes Literacy Specialist, about life in the Great Lakes. Jean Kostin and Emily Townsend represented Reinstein Woods Environmental Education Center talked about animal bone structure and brought some bones in for students to see and identify.

Guest speaker teaching about skullsFrom the District, our high school FFA students presented to the group on local agriculture, our AP science students presented on germs, and Robin Bower, our elementary PACE teacher, had the students compete to build a bridge that would be the most structurally sound (hold the most amount of books)!

FFA students presentingStudents building bridgesThrough the six stations, students were able to participate in enriching hands-on lessons in a fun-filled way!

Thank you to everyone who made this event possible!