Contact Information:
If you email the Office of Instruction and do not receive a call back within 48 hours, please call the office directly at (585) 589-2056.

Rebecca Manfreda
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Email Me
(585) 589-2083
Katie McGaffick, CPSE & Home School Secretary
Email Me
(585) 589-2056
The District mission statement, Achievement, Character, and Success for Lifeā¦ACS, articulates the fundamental purpose of the Office of Instruction. We collaborate with stakeholders to support the Mission and prepare students to be ready for life both during school and after graduation.
Together, teachers and administrators have established a strong curriculum foundation aligned to New York State Standards. The curriculum is actualized in the classroom through instruction that is rigorous, engaging and student centered. Questions or information requests about curriculum, instruction and assessment can be directed to our office.
Home School
If you are interested in homeschooling your child and your child is of compulsory age (six to sixteen) you are required to to submit a letter of intent to the district of residence. Once this has been received your child will be unenrolled. The following items should be submitted at the appropriate time during the year:
The IHIP: The Individualized Home Instruction Plan provides an overview of the content areas that must be taught at each grade level. When developing the IHIP, please ensure that course titles correspond to those listed on the enclosed guideline. The IHIP is due to the District Office within four weeks of receipt of this mailing, or by August 15th, whichever is later. Within ten business days of the receipt of the IHIP or by August 31st, whichever is later, the school district shall either notify the parents that the IHIP complies with the requirements of subdivisions (d) and (e) of the Regulations or shall give the parents written notice of any deficiency in the IHIP.
Quarterly Reports and Attendance Record: These items should be submitted at even and logical periods. You will be notified only if your report is delinquent or missing. Otherwise you can assume it has been received and is in compliance with the regulations.
Annual Assessment. Annual assessments are due at the time of filing the fourth quarterly report. Please identify and inform us with your 3rd quarterly report submission which method of assessment you will be using. Please refer to the Commissioner's Regulation Part 100.10 for acceptable assessment methods.
These forms will be updated yearly. You are able to print them off and either mail, email, or drop off in-person at the district office. If you have any questions please call at 589-2056.