Branding Guide
The ACS branding guide includes information on appropriate logo usage, color codes and fonts. Click here to view/download.
Below are the District's approved logos:

ACSD Seal (updated 2021)

Eagle Head, secondary logo
Social Media Policy
The Albion District School Board values open, two-way conversation. Our official Facebook page, Instagram page, YouTube channel and Twitter profile provide forums for everyone to respectfully discuss topics related to education and to share and celebrate relevant news stories. They are also places where we will share tips, upcoming workshops, events and other information.
Social Media Disclaimer
While we want to engage in open conversation, we also ask that posts are respectful of our Albion community and are consistent with our Equity and Inclusive Education Policy. Individuals who do not follow the guidelines below will have their posts removed and/or be blocked from the sites:
Obscene, racial or disrespectful comments or posts will not be allowed.
Comments that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame anyone or any
organization will not be permitted.
Participation is at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided.
We reserve the right to delete comments that:
Are spam or advertising.
Are clearly off-topic or disruptive.
Advocate illegal activity.
Promote particular services, products or political organizations.
Infringe on copyrights or trademarks.
Violate any Albion board policies.
The comments and posts expressed by followers on our social media pages do not necessarily reflect the opinions and/or position of the Albion board or its employees.
Photo/Video Consent Declination
Photographs of Students
During the school year, students may be photographed or videographed for use in school publications, on our website and social media platforms. Students recognized for achievement or participation may be named in school publications or on our website and social media platforms. If you do not want your child’s photograph, video or name published, please contact the district office at 585-589-2056.
Videotaping of Classrooms
New York State now requires that student teachers include a videotape of their classroom experience as part of their curriculum. If your child has a student teacher, they may be videotaped in the classroom. No student will be individually identified by their last name in the video. If you do not want your student included in this component of a student teacher’s course work, please contact the district office at 585-589-2056.
Linked below are Albion's eNewsletter The Eagle's View as well as The Link. Our past issues of The Link can also be found listed under the archived section.