
The registrar assists families wishing to enroll students in Albion Central School District, located in Albion, NY.  Please view information located in the side navigation link before meeting with the registrar. It outlines items you will need to bring with you for student registration.

Former students seeking transcripts may access the transcripts form located above. Please fill it out and return it to the registrar. To make a registration appointment or a transcript request, please call the District Registrar Rachel Coolbaugh at 585-589-2051.

The registrar's office is located in the District offices at:
324 East Avenue
Albion, NY 14411

New Students to the District

To complete Student Registration at Albion Central School - forms are available in the Registration Office of the ACS District Office. You will need to provide the Registrar's Office with the following information:

Original Documentation:
• Birth Certificate
• Hospital Certificate

Record of Immunizations:
• Dates for 3-5 DPT or DT (Diptheria and Tetanus and Pertussis vaccine)
• Tdap Booster - Students in grade 6-12
• Dates for 3-5 Polio
• Dates for 2 MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine)
• Dates for 3 HepB (Hepatitis B vaccine)
• Dates for 1-2 Varicella (chicken pox vaccine) or physician verification of disease for grades
• Dates for 1-2 Meningococcal vaccine - students entering 7th grade; booster in 12th grade

Proof of Residency:
• Utility bill, cell phone bill, copy of lease, etc. dated within the last 30 days.
• Parent photo ID

Prior School Records:
• Copy of previous school's report card or academic record to date of leaving
• High School students need transcript of credits earned
• Student must be withdrawn from previous school

Does the child live with natural parent?
Custody documents must be provided if the student does not live with either natural parent. Only Family Court documents accepted.

Child Identified by CSE:
• Psychological Report

Phone Number: (585) 589-2051
Fax Number: (585) 589-2059

Pre-K Registration

Applications for the 2025-2026 Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) program will be available beginning March 1, 2025.

To be eligible for the Albion UPK program:
• Children must be four years old on or before Dec. 1, 2025
• Students must reside in the Albion Central School District

There are two sessions each day:
• AM session (9:00 AM - 11:30 AM)
• PM session (1:00 PM – 3:30 PM)

Parents may not choose which session (AM or PM) the child attends.

If you are interested in registering your child for the UPK program, you will need to fill out and return the form above or you can pick up the form at the District Office. 

All forms need to be filled out completely and returned to the District Office or Elementary School ASAP. 

You can also mail the forms to:  
Albion Central School District
UPK Program 
324 East Avenue
Albion, NY 14411

Kindergarten Registration

In order for a child to attend kindergarten in September 2025, he or she must be five years old on or before December 1, 2025. If your child is already enrolled in Albion's UPK Pre-Kindergarten program, they are already registered and parents don't need to complete any other paperwork.

Kindergarten Registration (for incoming 2025):
Kindergarten registration/screening will look a little different this year.  To begin the process, families were sent the kindergarten registration packet ahead of the screening. If you have not received a packet in the mail, one may be picked up in the District Office or the Elementary Main Office. Packets should be returned to the registrar at the District Office by Monday, March 31, 2025.

Certain documents are required for registration. Original birth certificates are needed for the school to copy.  Necessary custody documents can also be given at that time. The Health Appraisal/Immunizations and Dental forms can be faxed or forwarded to the office by physicians or dentists to the attention of Rachel Coolbaugh, Registrar, at (585) 589-2059 (fax).  Any physical completed between September 4, 2024 and September 2, 2025 is acceptable.

Once the registration packet and documents are received, a letter will be sent from the elementary school inviting parents/guardians and the child to the kindergarten screening process, which will be held in late June.

Any questions about the registration packet can be directed to Mrs. Coolbaugh at 589-2051.  Office hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.