ACS Seal

As the new year approaches, we realize there may be some questions regarding bus transportation and how to be a volunteer/chaperone. To make sure the school year starts off smoothly, we would like to provide you with the following information:

Bus Transportation
  • Any bus forms received on the first student day of school (Wednesday, September 4), will not be

    honored until Friday, September 6 . To ensure your child gets picked up and dropped off at the correct

    address on the first day of school, please return your completed bus form to the Elementary Office by

    Monday, August 26, 2024.

  • If you have moved over the summer, a bus form is required to be completed with your updated home

    information, this is very important to ensure that your child is picked up and dropped off at the correct

    location. If there is no change to your HOME address from the previous school year, you will NOT need

    to fill out a bus form.

  • Babysitter Address Info: Bus forms are valid for 1 (one) school year only. With the start of each school

    year, a new bus form will have to be filled out, even if the babysitter address is the same as the previous

    year. If we do not receive a bus form change, your child will be picked up and dropped off at their home


  • Per School policy, parents can make only one (1) change of transportation per school year unless it is a

    change of home address.

  • ALL bus changes will require 24 hours before the change can occur.

  • ALL required sections on the form must be filled out completely and signed by the parent/guardian. If the

    form is not completely filled out, it will delay the start date of the form. Please do not separate the


  • The Elementary Office nor the Bus Garage will accept any notes or phone calls from parents asking to

    change your child’s address, a Bus Form will need to be completed.

Please feel free to contact the Elementary School Office at 589-2030 or the Bus Garage at 589-2070 with questions or concerns. The Elementary School office is open during the summer from 9:00am-3:00pm.

Volunteer/Chaperone Information:
  • Volunteer/Chaperone applications are valid for 1 (one) school year only! All

    individuals even those who have been previously approved in a prior school year,

    must fill out a volunteer/chaperone form before volunteering in a child's classroom or

    chaperoning a class field trip. *APPLICATIONS WILL BE SENT HOME THE FIRST WEEK


  • You must provide two references (someone NOT related to you) on the application. It

    is very important that you provide accurate phone numbers and if available, email

    addresses, for your references. In the event we are unable to contact references, it

    will result in a delay of the application process.

  • Once your application has been approved at the Board meeting, your name will be

    placed on a list of approved volunteers and shortly after, you will receive a letter of

    your approval. The Superintendent retains the right to approve or reject any

    volunteer/chaperone application submitted for consideration.

  • Before you can enter the building, you will need to provide your driver’s license or

    government issued identification in order to receive an identification sticker to wear

    and display during your visit to our schools. This process will help to make our schools


No individual will be allowed to volunteer or chaperone (supervise children other than their own) unless they have submitted a completed application and have been approved as an appropriate volunteer or chaperone by the District.

We thank you for your willingness to serve the students of Albion Central and your understanding as we continue to seek and implement the best available practices, procedures and devices to provide for the safety of all our students.