Building Goals
Building Goals
Each year, the building goals are based on district goals set by the Board of Education for each academic year.
Building Goal #1 - Intervention:
By June 30, 2024, 100% of 2-5 grade students performing below the DIBELS 8 benchmark for reading fluency will have set personalized goals, and at least 75% of them will show progress toward achieving their goals.
Building Goal #2 - Literacy:
By June 30, 2024, the number of students reading on grade level (K-5) will increase by 10% as measured by the STAR early literacy and reading assessment.
Building Goal #3 - Social Emotional Learning:
By June 30, 2024, Stephen Covey's 7 Habits will be introduced to the school community by implementing a "Habit of the Month" program and integrating it into various aspects of school life.