Counseling Department
The Counseling Department at Albion High School is comprised of school counselors, a school psychologist, a social worker, and secretarial support. The goal of the Albion High School Counseling Department is to assist every student in all aspects of their high school career and beyond. Counselors meet with students annually to assist with the planning of curriculum that meets the individual student's needs and goals. During that meeting, students review their progress towards completing the requirements for graduation to insure that students are headed in the right direction.
The department has group counseling to meet the various needs of the students. The Counseling Center also houses college catalogs, financial aid information, college videos, and various career resources. Many colleges visit Albion High School frequently to offer information regarding their school. The department hosts two College Fairs every October and has more than 30 area colleges and universities attend.
Many of our students need help finding a career for which they are suited. Naviance is a program available to all students. It has a database of four-year colleges, two-year colleges, and vocational-technical schools. Aptitude and interest surveys are also available. Whatever your future plans are, we can help. The links located at the top and bottom of this page will direct you to information geared to your future.
We hope that everyone is feeling well and staying healthy. This can be a difficult and frustrating time for many students. We want you to know that we are still here for you. We are happy to help you as you navigate the school year, plan for college, or if you just want to talk. The easiest way to reach us is by email:
Mrs. Garlipp:
Mr. Green:
Mrs. Pettit: vpettit
Mr. Christiansen:
Counseling Department Office: 585-589-2042
News and Announcements
Class of 2025- Class Night Scholarship Info: Applications will be available Friday, February 7. Please look for an email from Mrs. Hill for directions and access to the packet/ application forms. For help/questions Mrs. Conde will be available in room 203 on Tuesdays and Thursdays during advisement and Mrs. Hill will be available after school on Fridays from 2:30-3:00 in the Library.
Applications are due back to Mrs. Hill in the counseling office no later than March 7 at 2:30 p.m.
2025 Series Scholarships for Academic Excellence | Attention Class of 2025: A scholarship is being offered by the State Department of Education. In the upcoming weeks, one member of the senior class will be selected to receive a renewable $1,500 scholarship. Other seniors may be eligible to receive a $500 scholarship. The selection of the winners will be based upon performance on the Regents Exams. By rule, a weighted average of the scores on the Regents Exams will be as follows:
English Language Arts Regents - Grade multiplied by 3
Algebra II Regents - Grade multiplied by 3
Global Studies Regents - Grade multiplied by 1
US History/Government Regents - Grade multiplied by 1
Best Two Science Regents - Grade multiplied by 1
Ties will be broken by using the students' class ranks.
Winners of this scholarship must attend a college or university in New York State to receive the award. If you would like additional information, please see your School Counselor.
Emotional Health and Well Being Resources
“Mental health is not simply the absence of mental illness but also encompasses social, emotional, and behavioral health and the ability to cope with life’s challenges” (NASP, 2019).
Good mental health is essential to children’s success in school. According the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one in five children and adolescents experience a mental health problem during their school years.
The Albion school counseling staff is here to provide prevention and intervention, as well as to foster communication between school and families. We are trained to guide and assist children who are struggling with any behavioral, academic, or mental health issue. In many cases, we can also provide information or connect families with area mental health providers.
Click on this link for a list of some of the area mental health providers.
Click on the links below for more information on mental health topics and services:
Tutoring, Tools and Tips for Success
The following links offer answers to typical questions that students have when navigating high school, college, and career.