Navigating High School
Counselors meet with students at least annually to assist with the planning of courses and programs that meet the individual students needs and goals. During that meeting, students review their progress towards completing the requirements for graduation and setting a pathway toward a post-graduation plan. The Counseling staff regularly monitors the academic progress of all students and will help to create a plan to assist those who are not meeting requirements.
Advanced Placement
What is AP?
Advanced Placement courses can change your life. Through college-level AP courses, you enter a universe of knowledge that might otherwise remain unexplored in high school. Through AP Exams, you have the opportunity to earn credit or advanced placement at most of the nation’s colleges and universities in 28 other countries. College credit can be earned through an AP course by receiving a 3 or higher on the AP exam. AP college credit can be transferred to any college in the US. Please know that individual colleges and universities grant course credit and placement differently. Contact the college of your interest for their specific AP policy.
Why Take an AP Course?
Advanced Placement courses demand skills that can lead to success in college. You’ll have the opportunity to develop the writing skills, problem-solving techniques, and study habits that are expected of college students. Plus, taking rigorous AP courses demonstrates your maturity, willingness to push yourself intellectually, and commitment to academic excellence, which can help you stand out in the college admissions process.
Are there Pre-requisites?
Advanced Placement courses are challenging and some instructors expect you to have a certain amount of background knowledge. Before embarking on an AP course you should check the department’s web page for recommendations. It’s never too early to start talking to your counselor about taking an AP class because they do not always run every year, and you may need to take a class or two to be ready for some AP Courses. A solid 4 year plan is your best bet to getting all the AP Classes you want.
For more information talk to your counselor or visit:
GCC ACE Programs
Accelerated College Enrollment
ACE Programs is a partnership between Genesee Community College and Western New York high schools to provide college courses to secondary students during the school day. These programs offer accelerated high school students the opportunity to enroll in college level courses and to earn college credits from Genesee Community College while still in high school. Our goal is to enhance the high school learning experience and prepare students for the transition to college and career.
ACE programs offer several advantages over traditional articulation agreements, including greater flexibility and transferability to other colleges and universities. Completion of GCC credit courses has given hundreds of students a head start on their college career.
Program benefits include:
Students are able to avoid repeating some freshman year courses, thereby obtaining a head start on a college career.
Students are challenged and motivated by demanding courses during their junior and senior years.
Students have the opportunity to experience some requirements of college life including class selection, registration and utilizing college facilities.
Students pay a lower tuition rate (approximately 1/3 of regular tuition) than traditional Genesee Community College students.
Advanced Studies
Genesee Community College courses offered through the Advanced Studies Program are taught at the high school by our own faculty who are approved by GCC. Courses taught in the high school follow the same guidelines and learning objectives as those taught on a GCC campus. Students who are registered in an Advanced Studies course earn college credits and high school credits simultaneously.
The following courses are available at Albion High School:
College Composition & Humanities (6 credits)
Algebra 2/Trigonometry (3 credits)
Pre-calculus (4 credits)
Calculus (4 credits)
AP Calculus (4 credits)
College Statistics (3 credits)
College Biology (3 credits)
College American History (3 credits)
College Western Traditions (6 credits)
College Spanish (6 credits)
College Painting (3 credits)
College Drawing (3 credits)
To earn GCC credit, students must register for the course through GCC. Registration applications and residency forms are available in the Counseling Office. Students must register for their course(s) in September or February depending on when the course is offered. For more information, please contact Mrs. Pettit.
College Today
The College Today classes were developed to give high school seniors an opportunity to pursue college credit-bearing classes in the campus setting. Courses were developed to compliment, rather than compete with, existing high school classes.
The following college courses are available for our high school students:
General Psychology (3 credits)
Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)
Other courses may be available. See your counselor for more information. To register, students must complete a registration and residency form. For information, please contact Mrs. Pettit.
GCC Registration Links
High School To-Do List
Freshman Year
Investigate graduation requirements and future plans.
Complete seven hours of community service.
Join an athletics team or extracurricular club.
Earn at least five credits.
Sophomore Year
Get working papers.
Attend BOCES information assembly.
Earn at least ten credits.
Learn how to use Naviance and create a resume.
Start thinking about what you would like to do after high school. Explore with your counselor what coursework agrees with your future plans.
Complete fourteen hours of community service.
Join an athletics team or extracurricular club.
Update your Naviance portfolio and complete the Career Interest Profiler.
Junior Year
Take PSAT in October-sign up in the counseling office.
Take at least one AP or college course.
Take SAT or ACT.
Memorize your social security number.
Update your Naviance portfolio and complete a college Super Match.
Narrow down choices for colleges/universities (about 5).
Start going on college visits during fall and spring break.
Join an athletics team or extracurricular club.
Investigate and plan for scholarship opportunities.
Complete a resume.
Review finances and think ahead to financial aid and scholarship possibilities.
Earn 16 credits.
Complete twenty-one hours of community service.
Senior Year
Complete college essays. Get them edited by a teacher.
Take at least one AP or college course.
Retake SAT or ACT (if score was not high enough) in fall.
Apply for the FAFSA beginning on October 1st.
Ask your counselor and teachers for recommendation letters early.
Allow your teachers and counselors enough time for your deadlines.
Meet with College Reps.
Attend Financial Aid Night in the fall (usually October).
Turn in all college applications by December 1st.
Investigate and apply for scholarships.
Complete the Class Night packet in February.
Verify that you have met your high school graduation requirements.
Turn in thirty hours of Community Service by June 1st.