Chevron/Yearbook Information
The Chevron staff would like to note their yearbook deadlines for the current school year. If you have any questions regarding the high school yearbook, please contact Mrs. Roxanne Bieler, yearbook club advisor, at the high school. All items listed below are due to her in room 227.
The initial yearbook presale begins September 6 and runs through October 31 for the price of $45. After October 31, yearbooks will be $50, and after Dec. 31, yearbooks will be $55. Click here for more information on the initial yearbook presale.
They can be purchased at the high school office or online at
Chevron Deadlines for SENIORS
November 22, 2024 (by 3pm): Senior Pictures Due
Please adhere to the following requirements for all senior pictures:
Photo Guidelines:
Head and shoulder photos only (no full body, we will crop as needed)
Be sure there is space above and around head in photo (at least ¼” between top of head and top of photo)
Background color or setting is student choice
School dress code applies to photos
NO black and white photos will be accepted, only color
Submission Guidelines:
Actual Photos or Digital Photos may be submitted
Actual Photo submissions should be a glossy print and need to be delivered to the high school office with student’s name on back of photo
Digital submissions must be in JPG format, high resolution and submitted to:
Digital submissions will receive a confirmation email
No confirmation email = no received submission
Please follow the above criteria so we can avoid potential problems. We reserve the right to edit the photos as needed. Pictures that do not meet these specifications may not be included. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Bieler, Chevron Advisor, at the Albion High School (585) 589-8989 x8446 or via email at Thank you for your cooperation.
November 22: Baby Pictures Due (Parent Information - click on this link)
November 22: Senior Quotes Due
November 22: Senior Overviews Due (no exceptions can be made, so please finish early if possible)
When you are done, you must receive a reply email to ensure inclusion in the yearbook. If this step is not completed, the overview will not be included.
Directions for Senior Overviews
Senior Overviews are your chance to tell about yourself and your memories of high school, plus it allows you to say goodbye and thanks to friends and family.
Your overview will include your name, nicknames (up to three), your high school activities and sports, your favorite quote, your future plans, your best memory and your senior comment. You are allowed up to 150 words total (this includes quote, plans, memory and comment). We do not count your name, nicknames and activities in this count. To check your count, simply highlight everything from the quote down as shown below, and go to tools on the top bar. Then select word count. This will give you the count for the highlighted section; it will be listed first. Be sure you are at 150 or less.
To be submitted, your overview must be typed on the school's computers and saved into your H: drive file. Please save your file as lastnamefirstname overview (ex: reynoldssarah overview). Please follow the format from the sample given below when you are typing this up. Please note the bold print and spacing when you type and use Times New Roman font in 12 point.
Example of a senior overview:
Sarah Marie Reynolds
Nicknames: “Rey-Rey”, “Sunshine”
Activities: Volleyball (10-12), Senior Class President, Track (9-12), N.H.S.
FP: I plan on attending SUNY Cortland to study Zoology
Best Memory: Hall decoration for senior homecoming
SC: Mom and Dad-thanks for always being there to support me in everything I do. I love you more than I could ever say, thank you so much. Tammy- you're my big “sis”, you’re the best, you’ve always been there for me, I love you. Dan-There have been some hilarious times with you, and I'll miss you. Tim and Jane-You two are the most hilarious people I know, thanks for all the laughs. Brian-you’re like a brother, thanks, love ya. Melissa-I’ve had some good times with you, thanks for all of it and have fun next year, love ya. AD,CE, JM, AV, CN, CM- my girls, you are all the best and always put me in a good mood, love you all, thanks.