Workplace Internship
The Albion Central School District, in partnership with the local business community, offers high school students an opportunity to gain experience in the area of their career interest while also learning the critical skills for life-long learning that will help them in whatever path they choose to take following graduation. Internships are unpaid. They are generally offered to Albion High School seniors in either the fall or spring semester for one block each day, although other options are possible to best meet the needs of an individual student. Participants provide their own transportation (if needed). While completing their internships, students are expected to maintain a portfolio of their experiences which includes a weekly log sheet indicating the hours they worked. A visual highlighting what they learned, as well as a written self-reflection at the course conclusion, are also required of all participants.
Students also attend seminar class one a week where they research careers, write resumes, cover letters, and references. They participate in mock interviews. They learn about soft skills that businesses look for in their employees. The program could not exist without the tremendous support of community agencies and local businesses that accept students for a semester.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will have the opportunity to observe and analyze professional behavior
Students will examine characteristics of diversity in the real world setting
Students will be introduced to career awareness and practice job searching skills
Students will be able to integrate classroom discussion into practice in the work environment
Learn more in the Workplace Internship Handbook.